Of the Utopian Attempt to Produce Change Together
A Precarious Singspiel by Beate Engl, Leonie Felle and Franka Kaßner
The three characters Poupée, Speaker and Trickster live in the fictitious system of 🔮 PREKÄROTOPIA, of which they have different perceptions and on which they have different points of view:
🌈 Poupée lives contentedly on the naive, colorful surface of PREKÄROTOPIA; Speaker 📣 criticizes and revolts against the illusory world and wants to change the system; 🐔 Trickster ironizes and comments, but still remains attached to the system.

Spurred on by Speaker’s activism 🚩, the three protagonists 🔥 destroy the existing hierarchies.
But they fail ❌ in their attempt to create something different, construct something new 🌱 and actively produce change. The collective euphoria 😃 of the new beginning ends in 😢 disillusionment and isolation ⚡️ of the three characters.